Jul 30, 2009

in colors less known

What's my excuse? ... for being so nonchalant about the days as they pass and turn upside down. I don't really have a good answer for you, but I know I have been paying attention to the facts. It doesn't take much for days to turn into weeks and weeks months, but I do know that every day takes me further from the disaster that could have been.

The great exit is how I choose to remember it. I choose. I made it out just before the place imploded and blew into a thousand pieces. I wanted to thank you because I would have never have left on my own, but since I wasn't given the choice I consider it my duty to thank you who pointed me in the right direction. As I reflect on the time spent, it bears plenty of great memories only turning stale and dead in the last 2 to 4 months. And for me to spend any longer of an amount of time would have been the death of me, so I conclude that it were the best of times and the worst of times. It was the life and the death of me waiting the flip of a switch to transform from one into the next. I am only too glad that I made my exit before I actually did something I would really regret or turned into a monster much like yourself. You saved my life and I wanted to thank you.

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