Nov 22, 2006

an inconvenient truth

It all came to me as I walked through the shopping mart. I was strolling the aisles and ended up in the DVD section. I never buy anything .. I just walk.. and look.. it seems like the aisles of the stores have become nature for me. Where walden had his woods, I have aisles of imported overpriced crap.

If an inconvenient truth were the truth they'd have packaged it in used toilet paper. In fact, the inconvenient truth is - we are all screwed. At the current rate of population growth, and use of natural resources we will soon be out of space and resources. I wonder if anything can be done to save us?

Oct 30, 2006

Sep 15, 2006


Aug 21, 2006

Propagandhi A Speculative Fiction

Snakes on a plane!

I've had it with these mother fucking snakes on this mother fucking plane!

Aug 20, 2006

Chicago City

Chicago City
Chicago is more green and alive than I thought it'd be. Now if it stayed summer there year round, it'd no doubt be the best place on the friggin planet.

Aug 16, 2006

Zombie Movie

This is an short film about 3 guys in a car during a zombie outbreak. It has some gore, cannibalism, and comedy. Definately a great flick.

Aug 4, 2006

LCD Prices

Price have really fallen on those sweet LCD monitors. MONITOR Like I always said, a monitor makes the computer. So what if you've got a 35 Ghz processor and 10 gigs of ram if your looking at it on a 12" screen.

Jul 31, 2006

Jackass #2

This is going to be awesome! LINK

Jul 18, 2006

The Daily Show: T and Sympathy

Jul 10, 2006


I just got back from the best vacation ever. I wish it wasn't over so soon, but yet .. it is. I will make it back to the shenandoah national park someday. I know, I must.

Jun 27, 2006


$600, thats what i am talkin about.

Jun 21, 2006


Shenandoah national Park has got to be the best place on earth!

Beer Tourist

Capital City Brewing Company
Arlington, VA
2700 s. quincy st.
(703) 578-3888

Shenandoah Brewing Company
652 South Pickett Street in Alexandria, Virginia

Jun 16, 2006


Wholefoods has stopped selling live lobsters. Primarily because lobsters are not treated humanely. I think wholefoods could set a precedence by only offering foods that are socially responsible. John Kackey (wholefoods representative) had this to say about the decision "We place as much emphasis on the importance of humane treatment and quality of life for all animals as we do on the expectations for quality and flavor".

Personally I think this decision makes a lot of sense. Its obvious that murder for food isn't the best thing in the world, but the population must be fed. So where do you draw the line? Do you discontinue the use of luxury foods such as lobster and crab? or do you not eat meat at all?

At the moment I like meat far to much to give it up. Maybe If I had never eaten meat at all then I'd be able to turn away and munch carrots all day, but its much too late becauseI already know the sweet forbidden taste of a good burger.

May 28, 2006

ball of anger

I've been pent up and disturbed all day. It's just a foul mood I guess. Its one of those self-destructive and burning-inside feelings. It's tme like these when I just want to curl up into a ball and go to bed just to pass the time. I think it might be the accounting homework I am doing right now that makes me want to smash shit up.

PJ Harvey is great.

May 15, 2006


Skype is currently offering their out service for free. Which makes calling from the PC or Mac to a landline free anywhere in the US and Canada. It'd be awesome if they offered the out service for free permanently, because that would make communication limitless.

Skype is cool in the regards that it is boundless and economical. It works well with my powerbook also. I like the idea of having a connection to a phone anywhere there is a internet connection.

May 11, 2006


awaiting FDA approval.... 150 shares at 1.48

Seeking Alpha

Seeking Alpha

May 8, 2006

Nowhere to hide

I have been moved to the mid-day shift at the package factory (12:30 to 6 pm). A promotion I suppose, but noincrease in $$$. The workload is quite nuts for one person, but I will make due until help arrives. I believe that this will expand my experience level and prepare me for full time. I don't think I am quite skilled enough to make some of the decisions. I suppose self doubt never killed anyone right?

I scored two more A's in literature and financial accounting making my GPA a balmy 3.66! This quarter I have humanities and managerial accounting. I have discovered that I am already naturally more skilled at managerial accounting. Which is odd, I wonder where that is going.

I cleaned off my desk this weekend, which is really awesome at the moment. I should take a picture and post it here. I am so used to sitting at Jaclyn's computer because it is a PC. While just as functional I don't push my apples like I push the PC. Still it is nice to have my own desk.

Have a great day!

May 5, 2006

County Commissioner

How do I get to be County Commissioner? because I will do a hell of a better job than the ones we have.

It seems someone a lot smarter than I created a fake myspace page for this twit. She found out about it, threw a hissy fit, got someone fired for commenting on the site. I don't even see how thats possible... and now is saying that its a conspiracy against her by the local media.

What? you can't mock political officials anymore without getting fired? so much for our freedom of speech.

May 4, 2006


The Noguchi filing system is quite complete and amazingly efficient.

Apr 26, 2006

Thyroid Scar

Thyroid Scar  - Day 9
Here is a sweet picture of my scar. I am about 85% recovered, except for the scar of course. The neck is still a bit sensitive and stiff. I am going to start biking and running again soon. I cant wait.

The "getting better" is a lot more extensive than I thought it would be. I thought that surgery wuld be that rough part, but surgery was cake.

I have two 2000 word papers due by sunday and I havent really started either of them. I always get myself into these messes. No worries I just have to buckle down and get it done.

I have been thinking about taking Yoga classes as part of my phoenix like rising from the ashes. If I can't make this whole surgery ordeal a turning point in my life than I must be hopeless. but.. .. but.. being hopeless is suddenly okay..

Apr 18, 2006

Yoga 4 All

Yoga 4 All

Yoga Moves

Yoga Moves



The Gospel

They call it good news in hell.
There is no way to stop the future. It seems right around the corner. The only thing we can do is hold on and make peace with ourselves and those around us.

The best thing to do is find a god and go into the woods at night and talk to him. He will answer if you wait long enough. They key is listening.

Some gods you might wanna invite over are:
  • Jesus
  • Buddha
  • Benjamin Franklin
  • Muhammad
  • Zoroastar
  • Socrates
  • Confucius
  • George Fox
  • Moses
  • Isaiah
  • John the Baptist
  • Saint Paul
  • Martin Luther
  • Gandhi
The funny thing that I always laugh at while talking to god is how he is so many people and in so many places at the same time. How he has time to hangout with me while he has so much other stuff to do. I think he comes over for the beer.

The point I am trying to drive home is the idea that god is the same person no matter the religion. No matter what you call him or how he looks he is the same person inside. No matter how many beers he has he still wants you to not lie cheat or steal, and honor thy parents, not bear false witness, and all that other stuff.

He just wants you to be happy and a good person. He also likes cold fresh beer and turkey sandwiches. So have those ready when you invite him over.

I'm not religious, but... I guess I am, but I don't have a religion. I kind of scrapbook religions and take the most useful and best parts and make my own. Like I don't think resting on Sunday is important because I have to work on the other days so resting is not a big priority. God would rather have me clean my room or finish projects that get in the way. At least he helps, God can crochet like nobodies business.

Things don't change

Sometimes I think I am Jesus. Maybe its because I can see through the smoke and mirrors of a lot of things. Maybe it's because I am still wondering why the nations of the world can't get along? Why they must play cat and mouse. "I am working on Nuclear Weapons". "So what? I will shove this size 14 cowboy boot up your ass". ... I don't get it really. They all just need to smoke a bowl and get over it.

Where does Iran even get it's money from? Oil?

It's scary times, but I'm not worried. There is a bigger picture and each and every day the odds grow in our favor. America needs less dependancy on foreign materials and substances. I'm not just talking about oil. Just look around.

Wouldn't it make sense to all work together? I mean this fighting between ourselves has gone on quite long enough don't you think?

There should be a website to sign up for global citizenship, and every member promised to live by basic rules and pledge not to harm another human being, not to take up arms against another country because the boundaries are fake, invisible and void. We would all be citizens of the planet and all guaranteed the same rights. It's kind of like taking the power out of the tool, or taking the bullets out of the gun.

Of course we'd have to have some taxes. Maybe a universal 0.05% for the first 1000 years or so which would be used for government upkeep and humanitarian efforts. It'd be totally voluntary of course, and the government officials would work for free in exchange for basic needs and a place to live.

I haven't got all the bugs ironed out yet, but it makes sense.

I have one SNPA and now I think I can reinvent the wheel.

Apr 16, 2006

Weekend Roundup

It seems that banquet stye brunches were all the rage this easter. Instead I went to a nice steak house with my fiance' and her father and wife. A great time was had by all. I think the steak house receives credit for having a crumb sweep for the table while they prepared our to-go boxes and check.

I have this great idea for futuristic lighting. Soon I will make a nice prototype and post pictures to my flickr.

Nothing else is to spanking new.

Apr 9, 2006

Thyroid Surgery

This guy has a detailed story about his surgery and what he went through.

Apr 8, 2006

The fix in '06

It's Saturday, and I am still alive!

Mar 25, 2006


I knew there had to be a better way to find these television shows in torrent form. Now if I only had a manager to dowload them automaticlly while I was at work. Television RSS flippin rules.

Mar 22, 2006


WikiHow is a great site with howto's for just about everything.

Mar 20, 2006

Awesome clock

This Huge ass clock is made out o LEDs and connected by Cat5 cable. It looks awesome, but what would anyone need a clock that big for?

Mar 17, 2006

Accounting Woes

It's not surprising to me that more companies don't burn up in a fiery cash tornado. I am currently fighting my way through a financial accounting book in hopes that maybe I can make some of it make sense. Why does it have to be so complicated?

There is revenue, expenses, debits, credits!
Each translucent and and bound in a spongy mess.
Adjusting entries that remake mistakes
Covered up net income can be shuffled
All that matters is the bottom line,
how we got there and the mistakes made along the way
are just filler for the annual report.

Accounting for monies made and monies spent is hard than it seems, figuring out when to add and subtract seems to be the hardest part. A debit can both be added and subtracted depending on the circumstances. Wouldn't it be easier to keep a debit as a minus and a credit as an addition? Why mix the easily definable?

Von Bondies

I just scored 2 Von Bondies tickets for this Sunday for $8. I can't wait!

Mar 16, 2006


8,784 digits of pi. I feel so stupid!

Ministry & Revolting Cocks

Holy smokes! I'd sell my left nut to see these guys.

Mar 15, 2006

Light Tent

The super-simple Light Tent.

Horny Dolphins

Only in Florida! Horny Dolphins need privacy too.

Mar 10, 2006

Pub Map

I was quick to whip up this Pub map for the "Pubs of Pinellas" project I am working on. The editability of google maps opens all kinds of doors to wickedly creative ideas.

The Strawberry Festival is this weekend!

Mar 8, 2006

March 8th is a drag

My thryroid is scheduled for removal on April 6th. Don't be afraid or worry for me. I will go without fear or fret. I know enough to know that whatever will be will be no matter what I do, think or say.

My job has become a pain in the ass, not because of the work, but rather atmosphere. Coworkers are a drag... well, not all of them, just a couple.

I am alive today, and for that there is no reason to complain.

Mar 6, 2006

Sunday.. Fun day?

I've been kept up lately by my insomnia. It seems I am never ready to go to bed until 3 or 4 am. Partially because I took a nap today, partially because I have always found it easier to live and breath at night. The weather is better. the sun isn't so scorching. If I had it my way I'd saty up all night and sleep all day.

Jaclyn and I went to the Gasparilla art festival today. The best part is the Corn-Cakes booth. They call them Gran Arepa which is a delicious combination of sweet and tender yellow corn ( ground ) with melted mozzarella cheese in the middle. Friggin awesome! Check em out at

Later I was supposed to do a few pub reviews with jeff, but my neck has been acting up and after a draining rendition of the homework boogie I was wiped. So I took a nap instead and before I knew it the time was 9 pm.

Mar 3, 2006

batch of shit

Has anyone been reading the news lately? It seems Japanese scientists have been baking shit pies and extracting gasoline... and vanilla! There's nothing like a warm batch of shit ... I am comfortable with the gasoline part, but the vanilla makes me shiver.


I call Fraud! How to make billions in the synfuel industry.


An oldie, but definitely a goodie!

Feb 27, 2006

Mobile 3G/WiFi Router

Home of the StompBox is a about being mobile!

Solar Vacuum

I have been pondering for quite a while about solar power, and it seems too damn expensive. And the thing with solar power is it is supposed to be getting cheaper everyday, but it's not. In all honesty solar power has been on the rise since last march. It was at an all time low of $4.80 per watt, but now its head aboe $5.25 per watt for the average solar panel.

I did find a sweet deal on a unique starter kit which should answer a lot of questions. The basic kit consists of a 20 watt panel, battery, charge controller, and a sweet inverter. Since I am no place to purchase it maybe I will just steal it. Theft has always worked out well for me in the pastjust kidding). In fact I pride myself these days on living a pure life, speaking of a clean and refurbished soul. Karma is a mother, and I have enough on my back to last ten lives..

I'd say that battery life is in fact the limiting point of my powerbook.

Feb 22, 2006


Since this guy takes way betta pictures than I ever could. Please see his pictures from the NOFX show I went to.

Thanks for the link by the way.

Feb 14, 2006

Thanks baby!

Here I am checking the score during a bowling match. Did I mention I won 2 out of 3 games? and only lost the last one because the turned on the damn laser light show and booty music.

Feb 11, 2006

Saturday Sunshine

I want to write.

I have the whole world here at myfingertips and not a place to go. Have I really seen the entire internet? What could posibly be hiding? Not to worry..

Working for a bllin dollar company has its perks. The best perk is being able to move anything anywhere at anytime. I am sitting at the top of a logistic mountain.

I am gging to take the new camera out for a spin tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to capture some good shots. Then there is night bowling with El Jefe.

There is no substitute for a good pint of Guiness.

How d I get a novel published? I suppose I'd have to write it first, but it keeps evolving on a basic scale. I think maybe I have finalized the time period, the key is all about a good soundtrack.

I remember when the robot woke up from a dream.

Jan 31, 2006

Spell with flickr

Spell with flickr





out of synch

I work for a huge company. last year we did $36.58 billion in sales, profited a insane $3.3 billion and have approximately 355,000 employees around the world. When your so big how do you stay focused and make sure that you continue to prosper? How do you pay your CEO $1.36 million annually while making sure you keep everything inline?

I'll let you in on a secret. The rich want to stay rich. if I were rich I'd want to protect my bread and butter.

We have a method for measure effectiveness where I work that involves many different statistics, one being overtime. It reflects poorly upon me if anyone in my sector works overtime. Yet, I am scheduled to work 5.5 hours of overtime every week. I was asked to do so because one of our employees cracked under the pressure and confessed to having a rampant drug problem. In turn she was sent away for treatment with pay only to skip out on that and shack up in another state with some guy she met. Yet, the rest of us have to cover. It seems kind of stupid to punish me for helping out in time of need. I wouldn't be bitching so much about this except it affects my upcoming yearly raise.

I suppose its just micromangement trickling down from the heavens. How nice it must be to be disconnected from the ground and convoluted thinking that everything is fine while the empire burns at your feet.

Jan 27, 2006

look, listen, learn

I was flipping through one of my money magazines the other day and came across an artice about 401k savings and how a person putting away $10,000 a year can retire at 65 with over $370,000 in savings if they start at 24.

Quickly thinking to myself that $370,000 isn't really all that much, or at least it won't be by the time I am 75 decided that 401k's aren't for me. I don't think there is really anyway I can safely save myself into a good retirement without upping the ante and putting away at least $50,000 a year... but since I barely make 1/2 that at my job now its entirely unrealistic that I will be able to save anything near what I will need.

So I started reading further into the article and it left me with an entirely sour taste in my mouth, then it occured to me that putting my money in a bank account will net me 3%, but what does the bank do with the money I give them? ..

After a little searching I learned that the banks loan my money out to other people! and charge them 20-30% interest.. So where does all the banks profit go to?

I should open a bank!

It's been said over an over again that it takes money to make money. And this is true... I suspect it doesn't take that much money to make money though. I did a little more research and soon discovered that making money is just a matter of scientific research. I give my money to the bank so they can loan it out and invest it in stocks and bonds, but what if I cut out the middle man and loaned my money out myself, and bought my own stocks...

Then it all dawned on me... It all crashed upon my head like a cool spring rain, so refreshing and .. .. you get the point.

But how can I make sure that the stocks I pick aren't stinkers? How do the people at the bank pick their stocks? How do I make a profit?

I have decided to use Ameritrade to purchase my stocks because they are quite respected, and only charge $10.99 per transaction. I will start out with a meager $1000 investment in 3 different stocks chosen by key statistics and company health indicators. So it will cost me $65.94 per $1000 to invest and recover my assets. this means I must have at least a 6.6% gain in order to at least break even on the first round of investing, but I plan on so much more. With each new level of investing I will be able to reduce my risk, while reducing my required profit margin.

Initially I planned on making 3% per business day, but that is some-what unrealistic. In test investment strategies I have made around 1-2% per day. This being said I still have much more research to do to ensure a level of secuity I am comfortable with.

Jan 24, 2006

Utah State Fair

drunk bush

January 24th

They say theres no such thing as a free lunch, but am inclined to disagree. I've had a free lunch, and it tasted freakin awesome. A nice white wine vinegrette and chicken so tender you'd swear it wasn't chicken at all.

Why can't I stay focused? am I content with 1/2 finished projects cluttering up my space, ... I have more 1/2 finished projects than anyone I know.

I have the lottery spreadsheet with statistical analysis of past winning numbers.
I have the adirondack chair with no back support.
I have the woden clock that consists of one gear and no hands.
I have the stock market analysis sheet with no stocks.
I have the screen printing tools, but no motivation to create.

They say Leonado Da Vinci did the same thing, but I'm no genius really. I happen to be a bumbling bafoon that makes everything he touches turn to crap.

Does anyone else in the world feel like I do? I feel like life is slipping by while I am in some coma. I don't understand how some people are so functional, but maybe they are directed by an outside source or just have small easier tasks.

Whatever it is that makes me who I am, i wish it would stop, because I am sick of me and want to be someone else..

Jan 10, 2006

Jan 4, 2006

Powerbook = Power

I feel this new powerbook is going to mark a whole new period in my online life and presence. Has anyone else checked out the Safari RSS reader? Like holy crap!