Nov 29, 2005


Vote for your local Socratarian! See you at the polls!

$100 Laptop

MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop

Nov 7, 2005


It takes a lot of crappy designs before you get one that has a little potential.

Nov 4, 2005


I wonder who would buy this shirt if I made it? What would be a good price? $9 .. The quote is from groundhogs days; the movie with Bill Murray. When I said it aloud I instantly thought of the television. Maybe its because I just recently wrote a 2000 word research paper on the evils of television. ... Man! This college stuff is paying off all ready.

Slogans and sayings..

Workers of the world, Unite!
A time for greatness.
Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Silicone
Did you get that memo?
Follow the money
Washington, we have a problem.
Where's the beer?
You are the weakest link, Goodbye!
Tora, Tora, Tora!
In god we trust? In god we keep an eye on.
80% of success is showing up. - Wood Allen
In Tyler we trust.
The things you own, end up owning you. - Tyler
Don't drive angry.
I bought you, I own you - Television