Feb 27, 2006

Mobile 3G/WiFi Router

Home of the StompBox is a about being mobile!

Solar Vacuum

I have been pondering for quite a while about solar power, and it seems too damn expensive. And the thing with solar power is it is supposed to be getting cheaper everyday, but it's not. In all honesty solar power has been on the rise since last march. It was at an all time low of $4.80 per watt, but now its head aboe $5.25 per watt for the average solar panel.

I did find a sweet deal on a unique starter kit which should answer a lot of questions. The basic kit consists of a 20 watt panel, battery, charge controller, and a sweet inverter. Since I am no place to purchase it maybe I will just steal it. Theft has always worked out well for me in the pastjust kidding). In fact I pride myself these days on living a pure life, speaking of a clean and refurbished soul. Karma is a mother, and I have enough on my back to last ten lives..

I'd say that battery life is in fact the limiting point of my powerbook.

Feb 22, 2006


Since this guy takes way betta pictures than I ever could. Please see his pictures from the NOFX show I went to.

Thanks for the link by the way.

Feb 14, 2006

Thanks baby!

Here I am checking the score during a bowling match. Did I mention I won 2 out of 3 games? and only lost the last one because the turned on the damn laser light show and booty music.

Feb 11, 2006

Saturday Sunshine

I want to write.

I have the whole world here at myfingertips and not a place to go. Have I really seen the entire internet? What could posibly be hiding? Not to worry..

Working for a bllin dollar company has its perks. The best perk is being able to move anything anywhere at anytime. I am sitting at the top of a logistic mountain.

I am gging to take the new camera out for a spin tomorrow. Hopefully I will be able to capture some good shots. Then there is night bowling with El Jefe.

There is no substitute for a good pint of Guiness.

How d I get a novel published? I suppose I'd have to write it first, but it keeps evolving on a basic scale. I think maybe I have finalized the time period, the key is all about a good soundtrack.

I remember when the robot woke up from a dream.