Jul 31, 2000

Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam.

Sunbeams are not made like me.

Don't expect me to cry.

For all the reasons you had to die.

Don't ever ask your love of me.

Don't expect me to cry, don't expect me to lie.

Don't expect me to die for thee.

Don't expect me to cry, don't expect me to lie.

Don't expect me to die, don't expect me to cry.

Don't expect me to lie, don't expect me to die for thee.

-Kurt Cobain
I left my old house at 1pm today, theres no TV so what am I gonna do there? I went to my friend Jeff's house feeling a little hungry. So we headed to Hops. Now ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem but I gotta work today. So here I am at work nice and toasty. I don't really mind though, you know. Fuck it. I like my job. Except for days when there is better stuff to do. Tonight is the first day of Football. Monday night Football, and I'm gonna miss it. This sucks..but oh well no big deal.
I am officially homeless.

Jul 30, 2000

Today is a slow day at work, what do I suspect for sunday though. A few people here are sick. The flu or something. I think I'm getting it. THIS SUCKS I love e-mail write me...please.. kenjerski@yahoo.com The pizza I ordered just got here...gotta go....
I'm just about done moving. I wrote Erin yesterday and she wrote back, it's always nice to know that a girl in a picture on the internet actually is real. Nevertheless it doesn't help my love life too much. Today is pizza day at work, their will be four of us so we can order a big pizza today. I can't wait.... I chatted with marianne yesterday, she seems really nice and sweet. She said she might be moving to orlando. I went to the pub last night with my good friend Jeff, I drank 2 pints of Newcastle. Then I went home, directly home, no other place but home. I did not stop by the dairy section at Kash-&-Karry. I went straight home. Ha... Ha.. whatever... I needed some relaxing, after all the stress I've been under lately. I guess my Grandmother is mortally ill, and I have no place to live as of Tuesday. But me being homeless is really the least of my worries, it's just we've been moving like crazy and I've been working everyday, I hate it.

Jul 29, 2000

I'm a father well kinda, my Habenero pepper plant produced it's first pepper. I have it with me at work. It turned brite orange. In other news, I HATE MOVING...... I have been published well kinda. I sent a short story to www.allidiots.com and they posted it. I'm so proud. Of course I'm no Shakespeare. It was raining earlier today so I had to postpone moving, damn...that is just too bad.

Jul 28, 2000

Boycott the RIAA....
Save Napster....
Save Napster !!!!! Boycott the RIAA! Click Here!
We'll my house is empty, except for my computer and a few other neccessities. I hate moving...I still have to move the Weight Machine, that heavy piece of crap...I HATE MOVING.....
All you idiots should visit here. You know who you are so just get going. This means you Jeff.
I went to MSN today and whta did I see? I saw a picture of Lars smiling. What a giant DICK! I hate him, and I hate Metallica. I'll never buy another one of there albums. Although I do have every song they've ever put out in MP3 format. Not that I even like them at all, in fact I hate them, and that is why I have those MP3s. I never even listen to them, but I do have them. Fuck you Metallica. But even those dicks or the supreme court can't shut down technolgy. There is a program called Gnutella, it's like napster, but it has no main server to connect to. So there is nothing to shut down. I suggest d/ling it and spread the word. For long it will be shut down too, but if we have it already them it's too late. And there within lies the beauty. Jeff blows goats.

Jul 27, 2000

I hate moving, it makes me sweaty and stinky. Liquid Cocaine tastes good....but I think it's not worth it because I had the worst hangover ever this morning. Ever....but on the lighter side, I've downloaded 2 new rancid tracks off there new album that isn't out yet. They sound good....Thank god I have a computer. Which reminds me Napster will be going down tonite, what a pity. Must everything beautiful be destoyed by the Man. Damn the Man...I guess it's back to anonymous FTPing for Mp3's, and hunting them down..It's gonna suck. Good luck guys. Jeff screws goats.

Jul 24, 2000

I'm so sleepy, I missed some sleep a few days ago, and just caught up today. I didn't wake up till 2 p.m. and my house is such a mess now. All the packing to move. Did I mention I was moving. Yep... I hate moving. I wish I could just leave my stuff. Not really... I love my stuff. That's probably one of the reasons I'm still living at home. I hope you like the sound I added to this page. I can't say if I like it yet...Well see.. I seriously wonder why CGS pays me. I don't do much of anything, except work on this site. Thank god I have internet access. I think I would die without internet at work, seriously mentally die...
It's raining, it's pouring, my job is boring.

Jul 23, 2000

Maybe it's the long dark hair (which I have always liked) or those eyes that seem to bounce of the screen like they were really looking back, but I have fallen in love. It's not real love of course, but mearly blind intrigue. I found myself reading every square inch of the journals and staring stupidly at those perfect pictures. And she is an intellectual giant, at least compared to me. I think I may never leave her page. Forget food, forget air, I think I'm content.
Oh yeah before I forget...CLICK HERE to get to Jeff's page
My friend Jeff finally has his website up, and I must say it's kinda small but not bad for his first one. It only took me a whole of seven minutes to break in and steal this funny ass pictureof Jeff. I found a picture of his girlfriend there also, but out of fear I do not publish here. I am not a complete moron, no matter what my father says.

Jul 22, 2000

This is the first week of the Lottery pool at work. We are all sitting here dreaming about what we could buy, and what we would do. I said I would move to the woods and live in a cabin, far away from anyone and anything. I'd have a fenced in game reserve all around and live off the land, and grow a garden. I think this would be a cool idea. Maybe you should just call me the una-bomber. I need to go now, and work on my manifesto.
Working now, I think I need a drink.
Say it with me...WTF

Jul 21, 2000

I need to learn some Flash now, it seems to be kicking the crap out of HTML. Damn and I just got good at HTML. What was I thinking?
It's SUPERBAD. This is one strange trip into a confusing forest. I mean you might as well throw the map out the damn window.
Looking for the cutting edge of internet design? I mean these guys all kick the crap out of my site. These guys are good. So check'em out.
Okay the future has arrived. Kinda quick huh? Well I added the Meanings page, it's just a list of strange and original words thought of by me and my friends. I've also sorted the picture page, in order to make it faster. I think it's still slow though. Step two is done though. Enjoy.
I'm sorta rearranging and making this site mo'betta so prepare for alot of little gliches in the near future.
Relationships are so tough. Even if they are just simple friendships. It is so hard to find someone in life with the same direction as you. Love is a whole nother realm all together. Friends don't have to devote one another to each other, but lovers do. I have yet to find a woman who will give me what I truly cherish... herself. My wants are simple and should be taken seriously. I want a wife who will stick by me and I will stick by her. I want the house with 2.5 kids. The sunday golf games, and to grow old with her by my side, with mutual loving respect. I grew up thinking that everyone wanted this, and at one point in time I think they all do, but with in the the time which they grow, things change or happen and nothing is ever the same. The women I meet never want the same, and what am I to do?

Jul 20, 2000

Yesterday as I was driving I came across a police radar machine, what was the first thing I think? How fast can I go !! I am dissapointed to say I only got up to 48. It wasn't my fault. There was traffic. I looked up in the mirror just in time to see the guy behind me come skidding to a stop, then he laughed and pointed to the Radar machine. So apparently I'm not the only person with this idea. I wonder what purpose these machines serve anyway? I mean I already know how fast I'm going, and I can guessimate about the other people around me. These Radar enforcers are totally useless if you ask me. Other than being fun, which I don't think is their purpose. I'd like to steal one, and put it beside the runway at the Tampa International Airport. I wonder if it goes over a hundred. Cheap piece of crap probably does not. I'd like to test it, but my car is way to frail and slow. I'd need a down hill, well practically a freefall to reach a hundred. I hate my car.....

Jul 18, 2000

My friend Jeff is trying to build a webpage. I doubt with his inferior knowledge of HTML he can. He was supposed to put up a rather funny picture of me. I challenge him too, if he ever gets it up and going I'll put a link here so everyone can see. I wore a tie to work today, just because I felt like it.

Jul 17, 2000

Ever try those Tostitos with the dash of lime? They are surprisingly good. The ones with the red pepper are pretty good too. But when I eat the lime ones I think I need a Corona... I need a Corona, and a hug.
Something that just pissed me off...- "It's not my job"....and why? I mean your job is to help me...F*ck it.. Then I guess it's not my job, I'm gonna go in Unavailable mode and go smoke a Cigarette. See if I ever come in an hour early again.
Well I'm at work an hour early. I had to make up some time from whence I took a lunch on last saturday. Driveing was good today, not much crazy traffic. I did stop at albertsons to buy some work munchies and a bottle of water. There was a guy in front of me that spaced out his food just enough so that I had to hold mine for an extra few minutes. That sorta pissed me off. Then on the way out I noticed he had parked in a handicapped spot, but he wasn't crippled. He was driving a Infiniti J30. The Dick. I hate those over the hill yuppies that drive nice cars and do as they please. I was almost compelled to jump behind his car as he was backing out and yell "Ahhh my leg" but when have I ever been so impulsive? No I am off to work. Bye...
So for those interest in where I work, heres a rather boring picture

There I waste 8 hours a day 40 hours a week, trading my life for paper money. I think I would like to hit the lottery now. Please....God just gimme this one little thing.

Jul 16, 2000

Yesterday was a dark and rather crappy rainy day, but looks can be decieving. I met a girl yesterday, her name was Marianne. I talked to her for about 6 Hrs last night. I think I really like her alot, I hope she is just as perfect in real life as on the phone. The thing I like most so far about her is her intelligence, for so long I've been loooking for a girl with an actual brain, and now I've found one. What am I going to do?

Jul 15, 2000

It's saturday, it's raining, and I'm at work. Just imagine my excitement. As I was driving here I was raining really bad, and all the stupid people had there blinkers on and were driving oh so friggin slow. They were trying to make me late, I just know it. I only saw one wreck after the bridge in Tampa. A mustang had spun around and smacked into a wall that divided the highway. I mean when the pavement changes and you see lots of water just sitting there, wouldn't you slow down? Stupid people. Other than the slow people and the one wreck, driving was decent.

Jul 14, 2000

I've been sitting at my desk for a while now eating cookies. I hadn't noticed but I've become covered in crumbs. I think if this keeps up I will get big and fat and turn into just an all around slob.
I'm at work right now, I can't say I'm excited. I guess alot of shit hit the fan earlier today. My old manager got transfered to a different building, because she got complained about or something. Who knows around here... She was always cool with me, just a little bitchy at times.

Jul 13, 2000

Ugh...I hate waking up. Must . . .Brush. . .Teeth. I have to go buy office supply CRAP today. I hate those stores, basically because I used to work at one. I need to take pictures too. Then I think I will...hmmmmm go drink beer....yes... a good plan..
Note to self "Download Stone temple pilot Mp3's"
I bought a cool digital camera today, and went fishing. This is my friend Satan.

Okay it's Ken and he's been drinking.

Jul 11, 2000

I just ate a Banquet TV dinner. It had a "New and Improved" tray. I guess "New and Improved" means less food, more tray.
Otherwise it was quite tastey. I recommend the Turkey. What am I complaining about, it only cost a buck.
I think I've become obsessed. Check out the 1-800-Collect area.
Two dirty little Farters. You may recognize them, but I never knew they had there own show.
A most interesting site maintained by Zannah.