Dec 8, 2009

alive and well in the future

Life takes mysterious turns and we never know exactly where the road will lead us. I look back on my past, then look at where I am, and ask myself "How did I get here??" It's really a mystery to me. I am scraping by, no job makes the ship take on water, but I seem to be staying afloat due to weekly miracles that never seem to amaze me. I'd love to say I planned it all out, but I just don't have the imagination for that.

I think sometimes just scraping by is what I need. I think that I am here only for a short time and living any better than I do might just be a crime. I think that living large would have led to the death of me. I know that I don't need any more than I already have and if I ever get more than I need it'll just be pissed away. I don't mind sweating for my living and most of the time I embrace the work more than the wage.

In the year 2525 men will not have feet, nor be alive. Our brains free from cranial boundaries, we will live in clouds. Modern man has no idea where evolution will take us on this mystery ship.

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