Sometimes I think I am Jesus. Maybe its because I can see through the smoke and mirrors of a lot of things. Maybe it's because I am still wondering why the nations of the world can't get along? Why they must play cat and mouse. "I am working on Nuclear Weapons". "So what? I will shove this size 14 cowboy boot up your ass". ... I don't get it really. They all just need to smoke a bowl and get over it.
Where does Iran even get it's money from? Oil?
It's scary times, but I'm not worried. There is a bigger picture and each and every day the odds grow in our favor. America needs less dependancy on foreign materials and substances. I'm not just talking about oil. Just look around.
Wouldn't it make sense to all work together? I mean this fighting between ourselves has gone on quite long enough don't you think?
There should be a website to sign up for global citizenship, and every member promised to live by basic rules and pledge not to harm another human being, not to take up arms against another country because the boundaries are fake, invisible and void. We would all be citizens of the planet and all guaranteed the same rights. It's kind of like taking the power out of the tool, or taking the bullets out of the gun.
Of course we'd have to have some taxes. Maybe a universal 0.05% for the first 1000 years or so which would be used for government upkeep and humanitarian efforts. It'd be totally voluntary of course, and the government officials would work for free in exchange for basic needs and a place to live.
I haven't got all the bugs ironed out yet, but it makes sense.
I have one SNPA and now I think I can reinvent the wheel.